From the Eugene Register-Guard: “Fire-prone area of Kalmiopsis ablaze again.”
“They are using some of the old lines from the Chetco as well as the Biscuit fire,” said Katy O’Hara, public information officer for the Klondike and Natchez fires.
The Klondike fire is burning within the boundaries of the 500,000-acre 2002 Biscuit Fire and on the edge of the Chetco Bar Fire, a 192,000-acre conflagration that rocked the region last year. The area was also the site of the 150,000-acre Silver Fire in 1987, which like the others was ignited by lightning.
In the years since the Biscuit Fire, light vegetation that is extremely flammable has sprouted, providing abundant fuel for the Klondike, which doubled in size last week.
BREAKING NEWS: “Rain-prone area gets rain again.”
But… but… but, environmentalists told me that the west side doesn’t burn!
But…but…but, environmentalists (and most experts on the ecology of the Kalmiopsis) also told you that the Kalmiopsis is entirely unique for a variety of reasons, including harsh soils derived from peridotite and serpentinite rocks that have produced unique endemic species.
According to the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest:
“The diversity of plant habitat [in the Kalmiopsis] is the result of a combination of geologic forces (uplift, folding and faulting), erosional and depositional forces (glaciation, weather, climate and the action of rivers), and periodic fires.”
So, whatever Larry. Everyone knows the Kalmiopsis isn’t a typical “west side” forest in the Washington and Oregon sense.
Just matching your snark, bud!
Ok, but you didn’t. Thanks.
And as a result private landowners will lose millions of dollars in resources and value. It’s about time we level the field and impose private management on federal ground, since there doesn’t seem to be a problem imposing the results of federal management on private landowners.
After another season of hazardous air, millions lost in resources, and billions spent dealing with federal mismanagement, we’ll see how the general population’s sentiment goes. The environmentalist minority won a few decades ago with faulty science and inaccurate assessments, now that the proof is effecting the majority…………..
Let’s see how far it burns. I could see the plumes yesterday afternoon from the FS burnouts. Reminds me of the Biscuit fire. One rumor is that the FS is going to burn all the way to Agnes on the Rouge river. There is going be very little forest left if they do and very little seed source for regeneration. Hundreds of years of biodiversity lost. Unique, diverse old growth forests turned into brush.
I guess the FS is doing the same up the South Umpqua.
Maybe the rains will come early.