On to 2019 …
Ochoco National Forest OHV trail system
The Oregon district court ruled the U.S. Forest Service failed to satisfy its legal obligation to study wildlife impacts. This case was discussed here.
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest motorcycle event
Several organizations are challenging decisions that allegedly limit the routes for a motorcycle trail riding event on public land. They challenge the Greater Sage-grouse Bi-State Distinct Population Segment Forest Plan Amendment and special recreation permits issued to them.
Oregon state forest logging practices
In 2018, five environmental and fisheries groups filed a legal complaint against the Oregon Department of Forestry alleging that logging and associated activities in the Tillamook and Clatsop state forests are harming federally threatened coho salmon by discharging sediment into streams. The federal district court will allow the case to proceed as long as the allegations are made more specific.
Bitterroot National Forest public access
A lawsuit by landowners subject to a Forest Service easement claims the agency has encouraged public use, which has become “excessive and disruptive” to the landowners.
Rio Grande National Forest bighorn sheep
The new lawsuit challenges a decision to allow domestic sheep to graze because the risk is high that the domestic sheep and bighorns will cross paths, which could expose the bighorns to life-threatening diseases.
Superior National Forest land exchange
A federal judge is allowing to proceed lawsuits challenging a land exchange between the U.S. Forest Service and PolyMet Mining after a bill that would curb such legal challenges to the swap failed in Congress’ last session.