Forest Service Stories: The Celebrated Spotted Owl of Stonyford Ranger District

Photography by Michael Nichols found at National Geographic

This story is by Steve Gaddini of the Mendocino National Forest (when he wrote it), and occurred in 1990. I won’t excerpt it because, after all, it’s a story. I like Steve’s writing style and the way he describes the details of this particular field work (calling owls), and the feel for the location, trees and topography. Today it seems after 30 years people may well be doing the same type of work, or maybe it has changed, or maybe they aren’t doing it at all. Enjoy! Here’s a link.

4 thoughts on “Forest Service Stories: The Celebrated Spotted Owl of Stonyford Ranger District”

  1. There are currently many biologists studying the spotted owl in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, with the exception of the owl swallowing the mouse tether, they do pretty much the same thing as described in this story


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