Thanks to Sustainable Northwest for hosting this webinar as part of the PNW Collaboratives Workshop. I particularly like the way the partners have generated and answered science questions; what the science and technology studies folks call “co-design and co-production of knowledge.” We’ve had several posts about the effort before about this effort from news stories, and Susan Jane Brown is one of the partners. This webinar goes into more detail about the monitoring, funding and so on (they are part of a CFLRP project so have more funding for monitoring, hiring scientists and so on).
Here’s the description of the webinar:
The southern Blue Mountains are one of 23 high-priority CFLRP areas that receive augmented funding from Congress to accelerate the pace and scale of forest restoration. Between 2012 and 2020, over $17 million has been invested to mechanically thin 230,000 acres across the 550,000-acre CFLRP area. An integral part of this exemplary landscape-scale restoration effort is a collaboration between the U.S. Forest Service and the Harney County Restoration Collaborative (HCRC) and the Blue Mountains Forest Partners (BMFP). Both groups prepare detailed Zones of Agreement documents that help guide Forest Service restoration work. Zones of Agreement documents are informed by large multi-party monitoring currently in its 7th year. This panel will describe the results of multi-monitoring and the continued evolution of adaptive management in the southern Blue Mountains.
Definitely worth a watch. In the questions, I remember one of the partners saying how important sitting down together and seeing each other as human beings over a beer helped in developing relationships and ultimately agreement. I watched the movie “Oslo” last night and was reminded of what she said, except in the film it appeared to be wine and whiskey. It’s suggestive, though I don’t know how accurate the film is.