From Biomass Magazine. Seems like a very positive development. The Sierras are loaded with dead and dying trees, and the die-off in recent years is continuing. The state’s existing mills and other users of dead trees and debris have not been able to keep up with the vast amounts of material that need to be removed or treated, and the accumulations of fuels are likely to add to wildfire risk. These two pellets plants will help, but more are needed. I’ve talked to folks who study the forest-products industry who say that California, a net importer of products such as OSB panels, has more than adequate supplies of raw material.
California group begins development of 2 industrial pellet plants
Golden State Natural Resources, a California-based nonprofit public benefit corporation, is developing two industrial wood pellet projects within the state as part of its effort to increase forest resiliency and reduce the risk of catastrophic forest fires.
GSNR has purchased sites in Tuolumne County and Lassen County to develop the proposed projects. The planned capacity of the Tuolumne site is 300,000 tons per year, with the Lassen site expected to produce 700,000 tons per year. Wood pellets produced at the proposed plants will be railed to port for export to customers that use the biobased fuel for energy production.
This is moronic: “Wood pellets produced at the proposed plants will be railed to port for export to customers that use the biobased fuel for energy production.”
Before we go and decide that California needs to be an exporter of wood products, we should meet the needs of California to use wood products internally. Keep it local and there’s actual trickle down benefits to the larger state economy.
Why on earth wouldn’t they use the pellets in California to produce electricity in California when other renewables are off-line (it’s night and solar isn’t online or the wind isn’t blowing the turbines) or just to offset the fossil fuel sources of electricity that California uses. Shipping barges full of pellets across the globe reduces (I bet negates) any positive carbon benefits from the establishment of the plants in the first place.
A- if it’s like the folks at NAU were talking, there are some ships that return to Asia from dropping off stuff here, they have to go back anyway.
Anyway, that’s a great question! I think there are a bunch of such places in California…
Maybe you could call around and answer that question? I would post whatever you come up. I’m sure lots of people are curious.
Yup (curious). Reminds me of the export of Eastern hardwood forests to be turned into electricity in the UK. e.g.,
Toby and Anonymous… I think most of the reporting on the southeastern US chips is that “it’s a bad idea to use chips”… based on the idea that forests were being decimated.. and so on. You can see some of the dialogue here.
Actually if you use the search box, there are quite a few articles on biomass for energy in the US.
But what I think is different about your questions is… You seem to be asking “if we are going to pelletize here, why don’t we energize here rather than export”? I think that’s a great question. And I would bet there are people at NC State and Univ of Calif (extension in Cal’s case) who probably know the answer. If I had to guess I’d say something about the economics, subsidies and regulation, but who knows??
Here’s another one about different subsidies by a bioenergy producer in Az. In this case, apparently it’s about the energy markets are required to go for the lowest price.. don’t know how baseload vs. solar and wind figure in…and biomass isn’t it.
Enviro groups and others routinely oppose biomass energy plants because they emit CO2.
Steve I’m not sure.. I think the difference is “what other thing would happen to the material?” Lots of the biomass discussion is about situations that aren’t like woody residuals that would otherwise be burned into the atmosphere.
It’s not moronic. California doesn’t use much industrial wood pellets, but Japan and S. Korea do. I agree that Calif. ought to be generating more power from biomass. Easier said than done. This article explains:
In California, the state with the most biomass power plants, the nearly 70 facilities operating in the early 1990s dropped to about 24 after government incentives waned. The current enthusiasm began around 2015, when drought-killed trees began transforming Sierra forests from shades of green to bright orange. That was a tipping point, “a sober realization that we really do have a forest health issue,” says Andrea Tuttle, former director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (now CalFire). Today, a century of fire suppression, poor forest management, and climate change have contributed to far larger and more destructive wildfires. Removing some of those dense and dead trees to biomass plants seemed a sound approach to reducing fire risk in a useful way, she says.
But Wolf, of the Center for Biological Diversity, sees little difference between Kusel’s push for biomass and the destructive logging of the past. Government contracts for biomass removal include commercial logging — not just dead trees and woody debris, but larger diameter trees, too, she says. Even dead trees sequester carbon, contributing to California’s carbon neutrality goals.
Count me disappointed that an article in Yale 360, from an organization that has excellent academics in forestry.. did not know enough to question whether dead trees sequester carbon. For the record, they store it and emit it quickly through fires or slowly through decomposition.
Yale 360 ought to have knows, but confusion about the difference between sequester (taking in or absorbing) and storing (carbon as CO2 in trees) is common.
As long as the resource product stays in america….importing our resources off shore like our money supply is ticket to failure of the economy. Too many people in California, open borders , never ending property development , pollution , heat plumes generated by massive population centers, and the forest died. Wheres the science on that? No, now its mad scientist claiming the cure is just” burn it “.
Heres the study and science about microwave prevalence everywhere killing living biology. Its buried by different wealthy communications developers..uncharted waters ladies and gentlemen…quality of life is eroded by continuous new science – the planets biology – the guinea pig…beginning three summers ago insects , birds just began disappearing!!! Thats the canary in the coal mine and Americans choise to have another cup of coffee and debate the events as if its the only sociable thing to do..
Because their are hidden powers that be, that finance these plants , that say- foreigners get our resources. Again microwave radiation from the forced upon society new communications is the obvious causes ( hidden by powers that be)of forest death, indect death, bird death, biologic death- being fried by the constant bath of microwave electronics….as of February the entire U.S. copper landline telephone communication system begins abandonment in favor of microwave- FCC 19-72 ORDER….about half the cellphone services in america are contolled by foreigner venture capitalist living in monarch – kings constitutional control-in Europe…a national security issue and do you think all that money they make – give a tinkers damn about biological health in America. If your the king of sweeden and can live beautifully in a country of 10 million while siphoning off $$ resources ( Ross Perots warning of a ” giant sucking sound”) ; do u think??
As long as the resource product stays in america….importing our resources off shore like our money supply is ticket to failure of the economy.
Dear moderator. The country of sweden has a constitution stating the king makes the rules…the ceo of verizon is a citizen of sweden. Do u think the king decides the performance of the citizen? Verizon now controls 40-50% of microwave wireless communication in america..320 million people ÷ by 40%; all that income going offshore to a control of a kingdom of 10 million..eliminating copper landlines now, all those american repaimen jobs disappearing in favor of the oh so modern microwave electro magnetic waves bathing every biological thing , much of it dead or dying,. What you have is a national security issue dear moderator and since it involves mystery of dying forest you might want to observe the big picture…The often denied reality that our federal reserve banking system is actually a consortium of 12 european and or other offshore corporate interested stockholder ( a absolute violation of the Sherman anti trust law of 1790 ) and some or most of those stockholders are the european monarchies , englang, denmark, norway , sweden ect ect. Kings rule by personal choice which = total control and life of plenty while commoners suffer. As Ross Perot warned , but didnt explain fully ( under threat) ” that giant sucking sound”. You can bet without proving the biomass shipment of pettet to other countries is arranged by the same villians who make deals by saying we can give you this if you can do such and such for us; and American the fools , sipping coffee having cordial conversations about the good and bad of every event , was it really science or scientist paid to say burning the forest down is how you save the forest while the root cause is overpopulation , bathed in microwave radiation and a kingdoms surveillence and domination over you the commoner who cant possible allow these words to enter the public debate. America is well into planned destruction.
Your tinfoil helmet is showing.
You referred to the 1st amendment of the Constitution, rather the words ” In God We Trust”…..fear those words!
You piqued my curiosity.
“The anti-5G lobby has brought together conspiracy theorists, fringe scientists, populist politicians, environmental activists and a number of celebrities…
There is no credible evidence that 5G technology is detrimental to health in any way.”
There is no credible evidence companies pushing 5g care about anything but money , control over all livings beings, and willing to get that anyway possible. If you research the news Verizon was deeply involved in bribing state officials in Pennsylvania while those officials were approving Verizon operations in the state. What kind of goverrnment allows that to happen , Verizon now in all 50 states. Do you really propose we trust a known burgalar in our homes?
But you knew that about preacher of its conspiracy theory. Verizon now everywhere on this continents, of a company headquartered in Sweeden with a constitutional monarchy-king calling the shots by law his decision and no one else,as you float the conspiracy theory to all that oppose monopoly corporations . There are major job shortages across the country people have died and to ever say its the result of corona virus vaccines ; and actually not the virus but the thing called a covid vaccine which u would also try and derail by ” just a conspiracy theory”, yes? I dedicate to you a song by. Tenessee Ernie Ford titled ” I sold my soul to the company store”. Do you realize what he meant….listen to it a few times . We the people know we are being attacked, we don’t need to prove anything; we only need to follow a different narrative and carry out the mission to end monopolies pushing our demise under disguise of how good it is for all. The 3g band wave of simple cell phone service that originated with the first car phones was a great improvement….it has now been disconnected for about 40 million americans told its better to have 4glte and 5g…that your just a old fogie if you cling to that dinosaur. What really occured was we were just cutoff from mobile phones—that had no internet or google -unless and only unless we agree to those instruments now forced upon us that connect thru the internet–thru the giant computer spying on our every word every move…we the people just want a mobile phone sometimes= 47 million voice no choice no vote.
The now disconnected 2f, 3g 4g without lte- You turn it on and dial a number in seconds…now you have to leave your phone on connected to internet or if your are off to make a call you have to wait until you turn on and connect and the internet is watching- then the slave being cataloged can talk…you call it better quality , ect, ect…in other words 2 and 3 g bandwave belonged to american auctioned to companies for basic mobile phone service , and in 2022 we were just cut off disconnected because verizon and others just bribe the government just like Pennsylvania and that is expanding the oligarchy…anybody pitching such is exactly what Tenessee Ernie Ford sang about..why continue trying to disprove lies of monopolist, the people can choose their own narrative and direction to follow and first and foremost is securing real election results , which the speaker replied to , his friend appears and repeats their narrative ” thats a conspiracy theory”…quit being suckered !
Americans are being led and driven down the primose path with a never ending narrative , never proven such as you need to sacrafice use of energy made of fuels that are causing global warming , forest dying and yet come up with a plan to harvest and send industrial wood biomass pellets to some far off country where they will generate energy by burning the same harmful to environment fuel …and because you are nice and siciable folk you just question, feel good enough with that input and then consent to such a narrative….what Americans should do without proof- just your inner gut feeling , ” something is afoot” , the evidence is everywhere, and began following a new narrative of the quality of life given up and that its time to move in heartfelt directions that biologically fit on this planet…..and that will require a different government perspective …begin with the simple facts…the forest died with mass introduction of microwave radiation everywhere and satellites in the sky by the tens of thousands…your being cognitively controlled and pushed according to nefarious plans that do not include you.begin with copper landline phones which after installation, a system in place that requires little energy to operate your home phone, it works in a power outage and its private and that privacy protected by law is also being ended by FCC 19-72 ORDERS….the internet is not private and controlled the few giants corporations that you know in your guts are not at all for the Republic of the United States..corporations and kingdoms are an oligarchy of which shortly after the signing of the Constitution in 1781 there were at least 3 wisemen Eldridge Cleary and George Mason and ? who stated this constitution will result in either a monarchy or an oligarchy..their prediction was found in the Federalist Papers..your life is living out such events..the forest are dying because of ? And intelligent humans are not allowed to look toward mass microwaveinization of the atmosphere……the powers are creating the control grid and prison to encompass obedience of all and of course they dont allow or finance scientist who would finger point to electromagnetic ionization of biological inteferences, no sir. You will only hear the narrative that the killer is covid and you must all be vaccinated by the cdc and for very childlike reasons of obedience you surmise that because you learned the FDA and CDC lied about covid nd corona virus formerly not a rampant killer , that you can still trust other agencies out of government such as FCC order19-72 or USFS social song and dance…
A quote from the article
“The American Lung Association and numerous health organizations blame biomass burning for a sweeping array of health harms, from asthma to cancer to heart attacks.”
Thats an unfair statement. Thats the type of rhetoric that keeps thr nation locked into pending economic disaster. Infirmities of some crying foul allways at the expense of the firm. Thats a statement from sources with hidden agendas to bring prosperity to a grinding halt. But then all the Pacific coastal states are ripe with politicized hidden agendas that throttle economic and intellectual prosperity.
There is no credible evidence companies pushing 5g care about anything but money , control over all livings beings, and willing to get that anyway possible. If you research the news Verizon was deeply involved in bribing state officials in Pennsylvania while those officials were approving Verizon operations in the state. What kind of goverrnment allows that to happen , Verizon now in all 50 states. Do you really propose we trust a known burgalar in our homes?
But you knew that about preacher of its conspiracy theory. Verizon now everywhere on this continents, of a company headquartered in Sweeden with a constitutional monarchy-king calling the shots by law his decision and no one else,as you float the conspiracy theory to all that oppose monopoly corporations . There are major job shortages across the country people have died and to ever say its the result of corona virus vaccines ; and actually not the virus but the thing called a covid vaccine which u would also try and derail by ” just a conspiracy theory”, yes? I dedicate to you a song by. Tenessee Ernie Ford titled ” I sold my soul to the company store”. Do you realize what he meant….listen to it a few times . We the people know we are being attacked, we don’t need to prove anything; we only need to follow a different narrative and carry out the mission to end monopolies pushing our demise under disguise of how good it is for all. The 3g band wave of simple cell phone service that originated with the first car phones was a great improvement….it has now been disconnected for about 40 million americans told its better to have 4glte and 5g…that your just a old fogie if you cling to that dinosaur. What really occured was we were just cutoff from mobile phones—that had no internet or google -unless and only unless we agree to those instruments now forced upon us that connect thru the internet–thru the giant computer spying on our every word every move…we the people just want a mobile phone sometimes= 47 million voice no choice no vote.
The now disconnected 2f, 3g 4g without lte- You turn it on and dial a number in seconds…now you have to leave your phone on connected to internet or if your are off to make a call you have to wait until you turn on and connect and the internet is watching- then the slave being cataloged can talk…you call it better quality , ect, ect…in other words 2 and 3 g bandwave belonged to american auctioned to companies for basic mobile phone service , and in 2022 we were just cut off disconnected because verizon and others just bribe the government just like Pennsylvania and that is expanding the oligarchy…anybody pitching such is exactly what Tenessee Ernie Ford sang about..why continue trying to disprove lies of monopolist, the people can choose their own narrative and direction to follow and first and foremost is securing real election results , which the speaker replied to , his friend appears and repeats their narrative ” thats a conspiracy theory”…quit being suckered !