New Mexico is one of our poorer states, so this is good news from a social justice perspective. But if fees from renewables decline by 50% based on the new reg, assuming similar years, it would be $300 mill less? And that difference would grow as new renewables come on line. I wonder where exactly the future missing $300 mill or more would have gone?
Interior Department Announces $18.24 Billion in Fiscal Year 2023 Energy Revenue
WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) announced the disbursement of $18.24 billion in revenues generated in fiscal year 2023 from energy production on federal and Tribal lands and federal offshore areas. U.S. energy production under President Biden’s leadership has reached an all-time high on both public and private lands throughout the nation.
The disbursements provide funds for states and Tribes to pursue a variety of conservation and natural resource goals, including irrigation and hydropower projects, historic preservation initiatives, conservation of public lands and waters, and investments in maintenance for critical facilities and infrastructure on our public lands.
The Department’s renewable energy programs yielded nearly $600 million in revenue and is making significant progress toward the President’s ambitious clean energy goals. President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is growing the American economy from the middle out and bottom up – from rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, to driving over $600 billion in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments in the United States, to creating good paying jobs and building a clean energy economy that will combat the climate crisis and make our communities more resilient.
This year, $1.43 billion was distributed to Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners; $3.46 billion to the Reclamation Fund; $1 billion to the Land and Water Conservation Fund; $150 million to the Historic Preservation Fund; $379 million to federal agencies; and $7.09 billion to the U.S. Treasury.
ONRR disbursed $4.72 billion in fiscal year 2023 funds to 33 states. This revenue was collected from oil, gas, renewable energy, and mineral production on federal lands within the states’ borders and offshore oil and gas tracts in federal waters adjacent to four Gulf of Mexico states’ shores.
The states receiving the highest disbursements based on those activities are:
New Mexico | $2.93 billion |
Wyoming | $832.86 million |
Louisiana | $177.25 million |
Colorado | $153.24 million |
North Dakota | $132.66 million |
Utah | $123.91 million |
Texas | $108.27 million |
Mississippi | $52.58 million |
Alabama | $52.49 million |
California | $49.12 million |
Alaska | $44.81 million |
Montana | $36.18 million |
The revenues disbursed to 33 federally recognized Tribes and approximately 31,000 individual Indian mineral owners represent 100 percent of the revenues received for energy and mineral production activities on Indian lands. Tribes use these revenues to develop infrastructure, provide health care and education, and support other critical community development programs, such as senior centers, public safety projects, and youth initiatives.
Since 1982, the Department has disbursed more than $371.3 billion in mineral leasing revenues. ONRR makes most of these disbursements monthly from the royalties, rents, and bonuses it collects from energy and mineral companies operating on federal lands and waters.
A complete list of states receiving revenues and FY 2023 disbursement data is available on the Natural Resources Revenue Data portal.
I was playing around with the database trying to separate wind and solar but couldn’t.. maybe someone with an Interior background could help?
I did find the below chart.. maybe someone knows what negative revenues are in this case.
Dear Sharon,
That is mostly political nonsense, designed to help President Biden’s chances of re-election in 2024.
When they talk about “building a clean energy economy that will combat the climate crisis,” you know that it is 100% political. Renewables have not been capable of keeping up with the increase in worldwide energy demand, let alone decarbonizing energy production. And despite the expenditure of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, carbon dioxide continues to rise and our weather has not improved!
Perhaps it is time to pay attention to the real science?
The great British journalist, Matt Ridley, explains the situation with windmills here:
Lord Ridley is a member of the House of Lords and a Member of the British Parliament. He has a PhD in Zoology.
Ridley explains why windmills are a complete waste of money, even if you are a climate fanatic.
Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics)
Corbett, Oregon USA
Despite Gordy’s rant nine of those twelve states will vote for the Earth hater nominee no matter who it is instead of reelecting President Biden but the cost of subsidizing, manufacturing, transporting, erecting, maintaining, removing then disposing of just one wind turbine eyesore bat and bird killer would take a thousand subscribers to energy self-reliance.
Using enriched uranium mined in New Mexico four Los Alamos scientists armed the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed over 200,000 children, women and men.
Beginning in 1958 Homestake Mining Company gouged uranium from New Mexico leaving piles of waste rock laden with selenium causing cancers and thyroid disease in its wake. In 1979 an earthen dam collapsed releasing 1,100 tons of uranium waste and 94 million gallons of radioactive and highly acidic water onto Navajo tribal lands.
Because the Trump Organization despises Native Americans uranium mining was fast-tracked in and around Indian Country where tribes already suffer from diseases and birth defects wrought by radioactive contamination.
I want to see the breakdown of $ dispersal within tribes – how much used for program implementation, how much for mgmt / advisor salaries and benefits. And let’s have a sunshine law for the individual mineral lease holders and their payments?
How is it that 31000 people hold mineral leases? Something smells here? How many tribal members are there in these tribes? And, do they get payments? I suspect not too much?
Ho- the BLM usually does a great job on their databases.. but I don’t think there’s a sunshine law for the Tribes so once the $ cross the threshold I’m not sure that they know. I encourage you to contact DOI Media and find out more. And there’s always FOIA although my experience varies by Department, haven’t tried Int. yet.
Lands owned by individual Native Americans have a history of being split among the heirs so that the number of owners quickly multiplied.
“As the original recipients of allotments died, their land was divided among their descendants. Each descendent receives only a fractional share of the whole. This division among multiple heirs is known as fractionation. In many cases, ownership of allotted lands continued to divide over multiple generations. Today, individual parcels sometimes have more than 100 co-owners. Fractionation limits economic development on reservations. It can divide lease income among co-owners so that individuals receive just a few cents based on their share.”,more%20than%20100%20co%2Downers.