Stewardship contracts – a better tool for the job than a roadless rule?

I wouldn’t have thought that one is a substitute for the other, and maybe this suggests that Utah defined its problem wrong initially.  But they’re happy enough with the way their Shared Stewardship agreement is working that they have put their roadless rule proposal on a back burner.  At least some greens seem happy, too, … Read more

What Makes (Some) Recreation Conflicts (So) Intractable?

I’ve been thinking about the Pike-San Isabel Travel Management decision and its long history of litigation, which started while I was still employed by the FS. I remembered another project that had the same level of conflict. It was the Rico-West Dolores travel management on the San Juan, which apparently has gone from being litigated … Read more

Limerick’s 12 Zones of Kinship Between the Economies of Extraction and Recreation

We mentioned the group Great Old Broads for Wilderness earlier this week. I belong, instead, to Humble Dames Supporting Thoughtful Dialogue. If there were such a group, and there were a founder, it would definitely be Dr. Patty Limerick, a historian at the University of Colorado, who has had a variety of experience with natural … Read more

A Trailblazing Plan to Fight California Wildfires: New Yorker Story

Thanks to a Smokey Wire reader for this one! The story is about Sagehen Creek Field Station run by UC. Well worth reading in its entirety. Lots of leadership, including by Scott Conway the silviculturist as well as I’m sure many others on the District, the Sagehen Creek folks, collaboration and patience. Sure, we all … Read more

Proposed NEPA Regs: Things We Might All Agree On? I. More Public Involvement Requirements For Some Categories

In this post, we talked about the FS reducing public involvement with the new regulations. But then as we explored the actual current NEPA regs in this post, we found out that removing the scoping requirement appears to mean that the change to the regs goes from (e)Scoping (40 CFR 1501.7). “(1) Scoping is … Read more

No Market for Small-Diameter Wood? Ship it Overseas

NAU pilot project tests exporting wood products via railway (and ship) to speed forest restoration A pilot project at Camp Navajo has the potential to unlock a critical bottleneck in forest restoration and wildfire prevention efforts across northern Arizona by creating markets for restoration byproducts like wood chips from small-diameter trees. The pilot project, led … Read more