Stand up for public forests or lose them

Steve Kelly, an artist and volunteer director of Montana Ecosystems Defense Council, defends his group’s lawsuit “against the federal government to stop the clear-cutting and bulldozing of new logging roads in the Ten Mile Watershed.” Says “The assault on public values by the timber industry and Forest Service is relentless.” Also, “Collaborative groups today are designed … Read more

Update: Montana Citizens Given Zero Notice or Opportunity to Participate in Gov Bullock’s 5.1M acre “Fast Track” Logging Proposal

Last week Steve shared this article about Montana Governor Steve Bullock nominating 5.1 million acres of National Forest lands in Montana for “fast track” logging under the recently passed Farm Bill. Since that article appeared in the Missoulian I attempted to gather basic information from the Gov’s office and the MT DNRC regarding what type … Read more

USDA calls for nominations to the Forest Service Planning Rule Advisory Committee

Press release issued today….   NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: (202) 205-1005 Twitter: @forestservice USDA calls for nominations to the Forest Service Planning Rule Advisory Committee WASHINGTON, March 13, 2014 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced a call for nominations to serve on the Planning Rule Federal Advisory Committee that guides better management of our national … Read more

Incorrect Road Data Presented to Flathead NF Collaborative

Here’s another letter from Swan View Coalition Chair Keith Hammer to the Flathead National Forest and the Meridian Institute.  The letter is shared with Mr. Hammer’s permission, as it is part of the public record. The letter also highlights more problems and frustrations with the “collaborative” process as being carried out by the Forest Service … Read more

More Flaws in Flathead NF “Collaborative” Process

For a few years now some of us have been trying to hammer home the point – based on our actual experiences – that not all Forest Service “collaborative” processes are created equal, and in some cases, lead to even greater feelings of mistrust and frustrations. One such recent example of a questionable “collaborative” process … Read more

Postscript to “Anatomy of a Timber Sale Appeal”

Faithful readers may recall an earlier post describing FSEEE’s first timber sale appeal in years. We prevailed. The Forest Service reviewing officer recommended the sale be reversed because of “a lack of information regarding reforestation techniques and methods.” The appeal deciding officer, aka the Bighorn forest supervisor, agreed and reversed his district ranger’s decision “in … Read more