Proposed Planning Rule Available!

Just when we were running out of things to talk about. ;).. HERE. Found this summary on the AFS website: USDA Forest Service Unveils Proposed Planning Rule to Provide Science-Based Framework to Support Healthy Forests and Communities Posted on February 10, 2011 by grassam USDA Forest Service Unveils Proposed Planning Rule to Provide Science-Based Framework … Read more

Recreation and the Planning Rule- New West Story

Is Recreation in the Rockies Becoming a Bigger Forest Service Priority? Ski resorts, outfitters and others in the recreation industry want the U.S. Forest Service to think about outdoor sports enthusiasts in the same way they think about species and habitat. Will the Forest Service listen? by Steve Bunk This story is a description of … Read more

The Coordination Process and Forest Plans: Opening Pandora’s Box?

The recent ruling on the Southern California plans may well increase the weight of local governments at the table for forest planning, if Fred Kelly Grant’s logic here is correct. The Court found that the only element of the coordination process not followed by the Forest Service was a requirement that it discuss the California … Read more

Hammers, Carrots, and Olive Branches

The Ninth Circuit En Banc This post is in response to Sharon’s recent writing about the role of litigation in federal lands management.  Though I sometimes disagree with Sharon’s framing of issues and assessment of things, I appreciate her willingness to tackle tough issues.  But if we are going to take on such important questions, … Read more

Adaptive Co-Management- Exploring Our Future

Here are some links contributed by Lynn Jungwirth and her thoughts… This, I think, is where we are going with forest planning efforts……. I think this is what TNC is doing with their Fire Learning Networks….creating learning networks. The Berkes article contrasts decision making collaborative with learning collaborative and puts them in the context of … Read more

Say It Ain’t So, Cathie; No Biofuels in Elk Country?

I guess the “Empty Quarter” (see Colors of Elk Country post) will be empty of biofuel research. Cathie Wotecki is the Undersecretary for the Research Education and Economics area at USDA. Here’s the link to the story. The USDA says five regional biofuels research centers would be created. The centers, a collaboration between the Agricultural … Read more

Travel Management on the W-W

Richard Cockle/The Oregonian Randy James, operator of an Enterprise ATV and motorcycle shop, and ex-logger Larry Cribbs of La Grande repair a damaged sign that takes issue with a forthcoming travel management plan expected to prohibit motorized vehicles on much of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. This article from the Oregonian is full of interesting observations.. … Read more

The Montana Conundrum- Guest Post by Derek Weidensee

All decked out but no place to go: photo of roadside hazard tree removal in bark beetle country. And then we come to Montana, which still has a timber industry. Even though many environmentalists have stopped litigating, some groups still litigate even “healthy forest” timber sales. Why hasn’t Montana succeeded in ending litigation where the … Read more