QLG – Granddaddy of Place-Based Collaboration

The granddaddy of place-based national forest legislation is the 1998 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act (“QLG”), which resulted from a 1993 collaborative group “community stability proposal.”  So how has the law worked out?  Here’s what the Forest Service reported in its latest QLG monitoring report: Implementation of the Pilot Project continues to be … Read more

Planning & Collaboration

Here’s an interesting piece by our friend John Freemuth, making some provocative connections between forest planning regulations, collaboration, and Senator Tester’s proposed Forest Jobs and Recreation Act.  http://www.hcn.org/blogs/grange/does-the-forest-service-truly-believe-in I don’t see it John’s way on this matter.  But the interconnections are worth considering.  I’m certain, for example, that widespread frustration with the forest planning process … Read more

The Breakthrough Institute NEPA Litigation Report

The Breakthrough Institute posted an interesting report today- so shout-out to them for digging into the litigation question.  They are mostly interested in litigation and possibly permitting reform affects infrastructure projects, but, as usual, Forest Service vegetation projects continue to play a starring role in the NEPA litigation drama.  I’ll excerpt the main points they … Read more

Federal Lands Litigation – update through July 9, 2024

FOREST SERVICE Nantahala-Pisgah NF Southside Project Settlement in Chattooga Conservancy v. U. S. Forest Service (W.D. North Carolina) On June 21, a letter from the Nantahala-Pisgah National Forest documented a decision “not to implement” the shelterwood treatment, temporary road construction or the designated post-harvest prescribed burn within 15-acres of the Southside Project that is located in … Read more

Bipartisan Fix Our Forests Act Introduced

I found this on Thomas Hochman’s TwitX feed , and I’m always interested in bipartisan stuff, so went to Rep. Peters (D) press release. The D’s all look like Californians. Original cosponsors include Representatives Tony Cardenas (D-CA-29), John Curtis (R-UT-3), Ami Bera (D-CA-6), Pete Stauber (R-MN-8), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19), Tom McClintock (R-CA-5), Jim Costa (D-CA-21), Tom … Read more

BLM Provides Offsite Mitigation for Private Land Development… Gets $ for Restoration.. Without Conservation Leasing

We’ve been following the federal land preservation vs. renewable energy build-out debate for some time.  Right now this seems to have caught some media attention as the Joshua Trees vs. solar panels debate.  According to K.T. Lynn, who writes the Substack “The Joule Thief”, Last week, a little-known conservation group called Basin and Range Watch went viral … Read more

“Up-To-Date Science” Needed to Solve ESA/Fire/Jobs Issues: Chad Oliver

The essay that forms the second part of this post — which he terms “Notes” — was written by Chad Oliver after a recent field trip to Montana to document and discuss grizzly bear habitat management with Jim Petersen for Evergreen Magazine: https://evergreenmagazine.com/this-is-very-promising/ I have been a friend and occasional collaborator with Jim for more … Read more