Judge Halts Fleecer Mtn Logging Project: USFS shortcut lynx, griz analysis, must also supplement EA with “full and fair discussion of the impact that temporary roads will have on elk”

According to this news article [emphasis added]: A judge on Friday blocked [the Fleecer Mountain] logging project in Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and ordered two federal agencies to take another look at the effects on lynx, grizzly bears and elk that may be in the area…. U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen wrote in his ruling the … Read more

“Our Forests Aren’t Fuel” campaign launched

The following blog post is from the Dogwood Alliance’s Dana Smith and appeared on their blog: Today, Dogwood Alliance and our long-time partner, Natural Resources Defense Council, launched Our Forests Aren’t Fuel, a campaign to stop the large-scale burning of trees for electricity. It’s no coincidence that the launch of this new effort coincides with … Read more

Happy Birthday Michael Frome, Wilderness Hero

Happy Birthday to Michael Frome, a friend and Wilderness hero who turns 93 years young today.  My wife was lucky enough to have Dr. Frome as a professor at Western Washington University during the 1990s and I’ve been fortunate to visit with him in Montana over the years.  We’re planning to rendezvous with Michael later … Read more

University of Calgary Study on Human Impacts on Ecosystems

An article from Bob Berwyn’s blog here. ‘Even in protected areas, the influence of humans might be greater than we previously thought … ‘ FRISCO — As much as we’d like to believe in nature unbound, a new Canadian study suggests that human impacts are more widespread than we realize, even extending well into protected … Read more

How Feminism Wrecked the US Forest Service

The following book review was written by Laura Wood for her blog, The Thinking Housewife: http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/2012/06/how-feminism-wrecked-the-u-s-forest-service/ I thought this might provide an interesting discussion piece for the retired USFS readers who sometimes Comment on this blog, as well as the (usually anonymous) Commenters who still work there. It’s a controversial topic with which we are … Read more

Lawsuit filed against Kootenai National Forest logging project

The following is a press release from the Alliance for the Wild Rockies.  A copy of the lawsuit is here. – mk “Grizzly numbers in the Cabinet-Yaak ecosystem continue to decline every year,” said Mike Garrity, Executive Director of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies.  “In spite of these falling grizzly bear numbers the Forest … Read more