Planning News – Late Fall Edition, 2022

Back to the roots of this blog. Black Hills NF revision On November 1, USDA responded to the Request for Reconsideration from the Black Hills Forest Resource Association pursuant to the Data Quality Act regarding the assessment of timber harvest on the Black Hills National Forest.  It found “no compelling evidence to support your request … Read more

We Still Don’t Understand What’s Killing Cow and Elk Calves in Colorado: and Draft Wolf Reintroduction Plan

It’s fascinating to me that scientists are thought to be able to predict movement of wildlife populations in fifty years due to climate change, but we don’t actually understand what makes them tick (or not, in this case).  In my view, better models are built from understanding what makes animals tick.. physiology, behavior, genetics, diseases, … Read more

Themes from Forest Service/NFF Wildfire Crisis Roundtables’ Recommendations

I received this email yesterday.. Thank you for your interest in the webinar “Wildfire Crisis Strategy Roundtables: Recommendations and Next Steps,” hosted on November 14, 2022, by the National Forest Foundation (NFF) in coordination with the USDA Forest Service. A recording of the webinar and associated presentation is available on NFF’s Wildfire Crisis Strategy Roundtable webpage. In addition, the Forest Service … Read more

We’re #1! Reforestation as a Bipartisan Climate Solution: Matt Burgess (CU) Video with Some Ancient Wisdom

I’m sure that many of you are suffering from the seasonal influx of Obnoxious Political Ads. Last week, I ran across this video by a Professor Matt Burgess at University of Colorado who is studying polarization, with an eye to understanding and decreasing it. I thought it was super that an academic was looking into … Read more

Coming Out of the Wood Closet: Some Forested EU Countries in Tension With EU Centralization

Here’s a news story from the Helsinki Times. Finland’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Antti Kurvinen, has some interesting ideas. Some of it may sound familiar to those in North America. I too wonder exactly how forest policy has become a subset of climate and environmental policy. But then so has energy policy, I guess, … Read more

SAF Letter to Forest Service on Old-Growth Forests

Folks, The Society of American Foresters recently released a letter to the US Forest Service on old-growth forests. The letter discusses three key themes: Functional and Dynamic Definitions. As reflected in previous definitions of old growth (circa 1989) set by the USDA Forest Service, functional definitions of mature and old growth must mirror the regional … Read more

Should USDA Pursue “Other Transaction Authority” to Encourage Decarbonization Technologies?

And now for something completely different… At a recent Breakthrough Institute conference, I was surprised to hear that some agencies consider that the FARS (Federal Acquisition Regulations) hamper their innovation for various reasons, and have an alternative, called “Other Authorities”.  I am the last person to ask about purchasing or contracting or grants and agreements.  … Read more

The Arrested Burn Boss and Implications: And What Do Social Scientists Tell Us About Peoples’ Responses to Escaped Prescribed Fires?

High Country News and many others have written stories on the burn boss arrest, including a variety of views on the importance of it. Fire scientists and prescribed fire practitioners say the reported arrest is unprecedented and shocking. “This is a really big deal,” said Christopher Adlam, a regional fire specialist for Oregon State University’s … Read more