The announcement went out today for the dates of the initial series of public meetings on a new planning rule, including:
A science forum in Washington D.C. on March 29-30.
Three National Roundtable meetings on April 1-2, April 20-21, and May 11-12.
Regional roundtable meetings in April:
Pacific Northwest Region (Region 6), Portland, OR on April 6, 2010;Pacific Southwest Region (Region 5),Sacramento, CA on April 6, 2010;Intermountain Region (Region 4), Salt Lake City, UT on April 8, 2010;Rocky Mountain Region, (Region 2), Lakewood, CO on April 12, 2010;Northern Region (Region 1), Missoula, MT on April 13, 2010;Alaska Region (Region 10), Juneau, AK on April 13, 2010;Southern Region (Region 8), Atlanta, GA during the week of April 12, 2010 (exact date to be determined);Eastern Region (Region 9), Chicago, IL during the week of April 28 (exact date to be determined); andSouthwestern Region (Region 3), Albuquerque, NM on April 28, 2010.Region 2 will host additional meetings on April 14 in Cheyenne, WY and on April 21 meeting in Rapid City, SD.
The times and locations of the meetings have not been finalized. The Forest Service is working with the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and its roster of collaboration consultants across the country to plan and assist at these meetings.