We are entering a peaceful period for the next couple of weeks while people are on vacation. This is a season where Peace is celebrated in many spiritual traditions. Which reminds me of honoring and thanking the environmental conflict resolution professionals we deal with in our daily work. So here’s a shout out to all of you-wherever you are. I’d particularly like to thank the folks at the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (and their subcontractors) for their excellent work on the Planning Rule.
In the spirit of the season, here’s a quote on their homepage:
“ Politics and issues come and go, but in the end, we’ll all be remembered for the way we treat other people. ”
Morris K. Udall
Here’s a link to a blog post from Craig Zelizer of the international conflict resolution community on “10 Actions for a More Peaceful 2011.”
Happy Holidays to all, and I’ll be back the 3rd of January or thereabouts.
How can it only cost $5 for a FS X-mas Tree tag, in North Idaho, and have it cost $15 for a FS x-mas tree tag in Central Idaho? They should be paying me for removing ladder fuels in wildland urban interface. Any way I did get a nice “free range” tree this year in a FS WUI area and payed $15 for the privledge. The district office had a lot of left over x-mas tags this year, I think they priced themselves out of the market.