This is the city of Beaverton, OR library.
You would think that information about the forest sector would be readily available in Oregon, and sure enough, thanks to a helpful friend of the blog at OSU, these reports were found. An amazing amount of information and helpful graphics. Check them out!
..they probably are on the web, but that’s not how I got them, so they are attached.
OR 2012_Oregon_Forest_Report
If someone finds them online, please put the link in a comment and I will transfer the links up here on the post.
Thanks to the Oregon Forest Resources Institute for summarizing all these data.
FWIW, I’m on OFRI’s speakers bureau.
These reports and their excellent graphics clearly demonstrate the importance of Federal timberland ownership in Oregon while revealing the virtual non-management of the timber resources of these lands (The reports charitably call it “passive management”). The inability of the feds to govern and to manage (think protests, appeals, litigation, sequester and shut-down) make the possibility of any future improvement highly unlikely. Would you hire the F.S. to manage your family’s woodlot? Well that’s exactly what you’ve done. Would you retain it’s services considering the miserable job it’s doing? I thought not.
Total agreement, here, Mac! Even here, in California, where clearcutting and high-grading are long gone, there ARE folks who continue to (want to) litigate. For example, fighting against the small and incremental erosion of a thinning project, while ignoring the extreme wildfire risks, and the major erosion that comes with large and intense wildfires.