Summer Blogging Break

Remember when photos were black and white?
Remember when photos were black and white?
I will be away from August 15 to September 12. Larry has graciously agreed to take my responsibilities for this month. If you have something you would like to post or other concerns, please contact him. His email is lhfotoware at

It was 40 years ago this summer, that I started UC Berkeley Forestry Summer Camp in Meadow Valley, California. That program took us from various other colleges and universities and brought us together as a class for the next two years. Summer camp was my initiation to the path, career and vocation of forestry.

I thought you all might get a hoot out of these photos of us hippies in Camp ’74. You can click on the photo to enlarge and check the names in case you recognize someone.. Here’s the link if you want to find another class or more people from my class.

If you know any of the folks in the photo, please ask if they’d be interested in submitting a post reflecting on their last 40 years to this blog..

And here is a link to an entertaining camp song with Al Stangenberger. And, guess what, Cal Forestry is 100 years old this year- here’s a link to more info and about the festivities!

A happy and safe rest of the summer to all!

5 thoughts on “Summer Blogging Break”

  1. hippies is right, y’all look like you stumbled upon the mushroom patch. I had my navy cut that year, wouldn’t have fit in at all. That isn’t by any chance Tom Harrington the forest pathology prof, is it? I think he would have been undergrad at Colorado State that year…

  2. Thanks for the site and now for the trip down memory lane.

    I look at my picture (1969) and wonder where all the hair went? It was nice thinking of Peter Twight, John Fiske and George Ntiri. My sister Cecily was to enter summer camp in 1970.

    I have some very fond memories of Cal Forestry.


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