Twin Lakes, near Bridgeport, California, hasn’t been intensely developed, solely because of its remote location. There are clusters of private cabins. The terrain would make for an outrageous ski area but, it is too far out of the way to be successful. So, the best use of this land is to preserve it.
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I served as Bridgeport Ranger District, Toiyabe National Forest, fire prevention guard during summers 1962-1966 and patrolled the Twin Lakes area several times a week (as well as the rest of the district then bounded on the north by Devils Gate Summit, the south by Conway Summit, the west by the Sierra crest, and the east by the Sweetwater Mountains and Nevada’s high desert). I offer my perspective on ski area development there. The Twin Lakes area remains well developed by three resorts (Mono Village, Crags, Doc and Als), the national forest campground complex along Robinson Creek, and both national forest permit and private holding residences (mostly summer homes) with more recent growth in the latter category. Any country in the area which might lend itself to ski area development is within the Hoover Wilderness, and remoteness from skiing populations compounded by the geographic law of intervening opportunity (e.g., ski areas to the south including Mammoth and to the north around Lake Tahoe) which ended late 1950s/eary 1960s proposal to develop a “Castle Peak Ski Area” on Dunderberg Mountain between the Twin Lakes and the Virginia Lakes would suffer the same fate. Indeed, a more recent victim of the effect is the June Lake Ski Area north of Mammoth. Twin Lakes area needs good care and rehabilitation of its existing visitor services and facilities, not more development.