This would be the first approval of fracking on this national forest, and it required a supplemental information review of the impacts of fracking, because that was not addressed in the 2006 forest plan. I was curious about how the analysis would address the potential for earthquakes, based on what has been happening in Oklahoma.
The BLM’s analysis didn’t say much: “Increased seismic activity has recently been a concern of the public following a number of low magnitude earthquakes centered on the Youngstown area. These earthquakes were within a mile of the Northstar 1 well, a Class II deep injection well… In response to these seismic events and the possible linkage to the injection well the ODNR is pursuing reforms to the injection well program, including restrictions on injecting fluids in the Cambrian or Precambrian rock, requirements for testing and monitoring of pressures and injection rates and the installation of an automatic shutoff system, among other reforms (ODNR 2012).”
Talking about what the state might do is not exactly a disclosure of the environmental impacts. The BLM concluded, “No additional analysis or protective measures are needed at the Forest Plan level, since the RFDS (Reasonably Foreseeable Development Scenario) discussed the common methods of waste disposal and this was used as the basis of the effects analysis conducted in the EIS.”
Some of the locals are not happy about the planned leases.
This will go to court:
It’s now in court based on NEPA.
It seems like there could be questions about the Weeks Act, too.