Episode 35 of the Rewilding Earth Podcast, from the Rewilding Institute, looks like it could be of interest to many on this blog. It features Bruce Anderson. Below is Bruce’s bio as well as the topics discussed in the podcast, which you can listen to right here.
Bruce Anderson retired from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in July 2017. During his four years with the DNR he was Assistant Wildlife Manager and wildlife planner where he was involved wildlife surveys, planning, wildlife damage management, habitat assessments, invasive species management and Interdisciplinary support to timber management.
Prior to this, Bruce had a 35 year career with the US Forest Service where he worked in North and South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and most recently on the Superior National Forest in Northern MN. During his Forest Service career he worked in program management positions for invasive species, wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers, trails, rangeland management, wildlife, fire effects and recreation. Bruce also worked at length within five wilderness areas on wilderness related topics including fire effects monitoring, livestock and recreational grazing, wildlife damage management, invasive species control, motorized use management, and wild and scenic rivers.
• Effects of mining, timber extraction, invasive species, and development in North America since 1969
• Making an impact on the local level
• Collective effect of taking action where you live
• How to find $50-$100 billion dollars per year for conservation and restoration work from coast to coast
• How “big data” can help make the right management decisions on the ground
Extra Credit
• Reach out to local groups in your area, pick up a shovel, pull invasive species out of the ground on state and federal land, stay active!
• Know what’s been lost in your area in order to understand why taking one more square inch or board foot really does make a difference.
Matthew, I don’t usually listen to podcasts, has Anderson written something that we can read?
I have no idea if Mr. Anderson has written something; however, the podcast interview can be listened to right here by simply clicking the “play” button: https://rewilding.org/episode-35-bruce-anderson-mapping-50-years-of-wildlands-decline/