This struggle is real for not-for-profit folks like us also. (from the Collaborative Creations website.
Some of you may have noticed that The Smokey Wire was down for about a day last week. I tried to upgrade the WordPress version and some plug-ins and things went awry.
Fortunately, we are ably assisted by Hillary Strawderman of Collaborative Creations Website Services , who acted swiftly to bring us back online. Just wanted to share here how much I appreciate her and her work, and give you all a chance to do the same. She is the only “behind the scenes” person at TSW, and that means she’s uniquely invisible when it comes to her contributions. Except when things go wrong.
Reminders: you can sign up anytime for free at to view the Wilder Than Wild documentary on fire and participate in the discussion here. There will be a Q&A with Stephen Most and Kevin White on August 22nd, but you don’t have to wait until then to view the film and comment. We had a pretty interesting discussion without actually seeing the documentary, based on Bevington’s thoughts here. So I’m hoping it will be even more interesting when we’ve all seen the film.
Online Book Club for Apocalypse Never starts Monday August 17th, I’ll post my thoughts probably tomorrow, and we’ll discuss Chapter 1.