USFS Map of Wildfire Reduction Projects

USFS press release (thanks to Nick SMith for the link). Click on “INITIAL LANDSCAPE INVESTMENTS” to get to the map. Scroll down for data.

Biden-Harris Administration Launches Interactive Map Showcasing Wildfire Reduction Projects

New map shows the impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law on Forest Service, partner efforts to reduce hazardous fuels in western states

WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2022 – The Biden-Harris Administration is announcing today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service has launched a new interactive map showing the progress the agency and its partners have made in addressing the wildfire crisis in eight western states as part of the Forest Service’s 10-year wildfire crisis strategy. This easy-to-use “story map” gives users the opportunity to see the impact of the historic investments from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law across 10 initial landscapes (PDF, 9 MB) in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.

4 thoughts on “USFS Map of Wildfire Reduction Projects”

  1. This “easy-to-use” story map is not comparable with iPhones and barely legible on a desktop Chrome browser. The USFS needs to invest in some basic IT infrastructure it’s an embarrassment.

  2. Thanks Steve. But as best I can tell, none of the links in the post actually lead to the map. What did I miss? And, IAC, why didn’t the FS produce a GIS (ArcMap ?) app that allows us to visualize their focus areas in relation to geography — like cities, counties, roads? My County GIS shop has no problem doing this but the primo US (Federal) land management agency can’t do it? In all fairness, OR Dept Forestry also can’t (won’t?) take this minimal step toward providing geospatial info in a useful format. But the even more fundamental problem is that we’re way past any logic for preventing stand-replacing wildfire at a landscape scale. We need to focus instead on fuel reduction around populated areas. Is this once more forest-products industry controlling our wildfire mitigation planning?

    • You have to click on “INITIAL LANDSCAPE INVESTMENTS” to get to the map.

      FWIW, a map like this could have had much more info available by clicking on projects in the map itself — as an ArcGIS storymap can provide. Maybe it does this — I could have missed something.

      • You can click on projects – but you have to go to the specific map for one of the priority landscapes and zoom in to see the treatment polygons – then click on a polygon for more information. The “map” in general is not very intuitive to use.


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