Thanks to all who are contributing to our ongoing climate discussion! I think already we’ve seen that our thoughts are complex and not easily categorized and we’ll be looking at other ways to break free of categories. But there are probably many TSW-ites interested in more newsy things, so here are some posts along those lines.
BLM Seeks Public Input on a New Plan for Recreation Management
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management is welcoming public input on a plan to inform recreation management on America’s public lands. The new Blueprint for 21st Century Outdoor Recreation will guide Bureau decisions to proactively meet modern demands for exceptional and unique outdoor experiences, complementing the significant public land investments in President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
“BLM hosted more than 81 million visitors on our public lands last fiscal year – a 40 percent increase since 2012. We are thrilled at this trend, but also recognize that more guests means a need for varied and diverse response strategies,” said BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning. “The Blueprint aims to help BLM meet the growing demand for exceptional recreation experiences on our public lands.”
Managing for recreational opportunities is a core tenet of BLM’s multiple use mandate and aligns with BLM’s mission to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The increasing demand for recreational activities on public lands has provided a critical window of opportunity to advance a transformational shift in recreation management. This Blueprint will help BLM prioritize recreation investment and staffing appropriate for current and future needs.
BLM is seeking input from partners and the public, including in-person and virtual recreation Blueprint roundtables hosted by the Foundation for America’s Public Lands. Together, BLM and its partners will implement a strategy to guide the agency in providing the resources and experiences that visitors to public lands expect in the 21st century.
Forest Service Reimagine Recreation
The FS is also working on a recreation strategy that they call Reimagine Recreation. They had a workshop in July and I will post the summary when I receive it from them. Here are the Recreation Workshop – Case Studies and Successes Links .
At that point maybe someone will volunteer to review both strategies and talk about similarities and differences?