All’s Well on the Planning Front — Or is it?

The year was 1995 (or thereabouts). I attended a Forest Service sponsored meeting on Strategic Planning at Grey Towers. I carried my brand new copy of Henry Mintzberg’s Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning to the meeting, referring to Mintzberg’s death-knell for planning whenever I could. (Here is a six-page summary pdf) A few souls … Read more

Panelists for the Science Forum

The series of public meetings on the planning rulemaking process starts with a science forum next Monday and Tuesday (March 29-30) in Washington D.C.  The draft agenda has five panels over the two day event.   The event will be webcast.  Here is information on the panels and panelists with their web links.  The panels are a mix of academia and Forest … Read more

Recommended Reading: BLM Negotiation Strategies Document

Kudos to BLM for this excellent document ..  at a glance, it is a comprehensive overview of the landscape of collaboration and conflict resolution.   The photos included are excellent also. The below section talks about the competitive style of negotiation, thoughts which are similar to what I said in this morning’s post but expressed way more … Read more

Reflections on Dispute Resolution via the Courtroom: Field Trip to 10th Circuit Court of Appeals

Yesterday morning we visited the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to listen to the appeal of Judge Brimmer’s decision on the 2001 Rule. There were three judges presiding,Anderson, Murphy and Holmes.  Since this is Women’s History Month, I have to point out that all the lead counsels, and all the judges were male.  The ratio of female to … Read more

Addressing NFMA Timber Requirements Through the Restoration Lens

Arizona Lumber and Timber Company, Coconino National Forest, 1939, photo by Walter H. Shaffer Sometimes language can get in the way.   Foresters are becoming aware that their traditional language for cutting trees confuses the public, and reduced their ability to explain what they are trying to accomplish.  This is especially true today when trying to … Read more

Responses to the NOI- From the WISE blog

I hope all of us will post responses to the NOI for the planning rule that we find interesting. Frankly, we all are a bit overwhelmed at this point (some people have sent me copies of theirs, plus we will all be able to access the comments when they are published on the FS website). … Read more

Adaptive Governance and Forest Planning

Army Officer at Nine Mile Camp, Mt. Baker National Forest, 1933, photo by W.L. Baker The more we look at the literature, the more evidence we find that our current NFMA management system doesn’t align with the current thinking about land use management.  We gravitate toward adaptive management, but we don’t quite grasp it yet. … Read more