Governor’s Task Force Arrives at Recommendations on Rock Springs RMP

This is an interesting story from Wyofile on the Rock Springs RMP.  Turns out that the Governor got together a panel to review the draft. Despite representing disparate interests, the 11 members of a governor-appointed task force reached consensus on more than 100 recommendations for the Bureau of Land Management’s controversial draft plan for managing … Read more

Wildfire Commission Report Released

From this page.   The commission’s second and final report was submitted to Congress on September 27, 2023 and reflects one of the most sweeping and comprehensive reviews of the wildfire system to date. The report makes 148 recommendations covering seven key themes: Urgent New Approaches to address the wildfire crisis Supporting Collaboration to improve partner … Read more

Forest Plan Revision – fall 2023 roundup

Once upon a time, in a city far away, the U. S. Forest Service posted its schedule for revising national forest plans on its national website.  There was even a map showing the revisions completed under the 2012 Planning Rule.  Today, they are not where they used to be on the website, and I couldn’t … Read more

Threats to the BLM Sagebrush Biome: Cheatgrass and Conifers; Cheatgrass and Fire in the Mohave Desert

The proposed BLM Public Lands Rule regulation included two citations to papers.  I decided to take a look at them and see what helpful info I could glean from them. They are both DOI (USGS) products. ******************** The first one is called “A Sagebrush Conservation Design to Proactively Restore America’s Sagebrush Biome,”  with a bunch … Read more

Fervo Enhanced Geothermal Breakthrough and WGA “Heat Beneath our Feet” Recommendations for BLM and FS

    Fervo Energy says it has geothermal energy breakthrough. This was a story in Bloomberg News, but can be seen on the Financial Post website here. Fervo has an interesting explanation of how their technology is different here. But I think the news story is about more general successful testing. ****************** How Fervo Expands … Read more

Forest Service wildfire management policy run amok: from suppressing fires, to confining fires, to expanding fires, to igniting fires- by Sarah Hyden

This is posted with the permission of the author, Sarah Hyden. Here is a link to the original. I thought she raised some interesting questions worthy of discussion.         Forest Service wildfire management policy run amok From suppressing fires, to confining fires, to expanding fires, to igniting fires One of the most … Read more