East Reservoir Timber Sale on Kootenai National Forest in Montana Halted by Injunction

Regular readers of this blog will recall the numerous posts, comments and discussions concerning the East Reservoir timber sale on the Kootenai National Forest in Montana. Here’s a sampling of some those previous debates. Well, earlier today, two federal judges at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (including one judge who was appointed by George W. Bush … Read more

Red Mountain Flume-Chessman Reservoir Project Update

Update on the Red Mountain Flume-Chessman Reservoir project, discussed in several recent threads, including this one. Photos of logs and and article: Chessman Reservoir lawsuit to continue as timber harvest begins At least one of the two conservation groups suing over the Red Mountain Flume-Chessman Reservoir project plans to proceed with a lawsuit despite a … Read more

Lawsuit filed to stop logging and road-building in Bozeman’s Watershed and East Boulder Creek

A copy of the complaint can be found here.  Meanwhile, a copy of the press release from the plaintiffs is printed below and the Bozeman Daily Chronicle’s article can be found here. Weekend Update: An attorney with the Cottonwood Environmental Law Center – who happens to live directly next to the Bozeman Watershed logging project … Read more

NFS Litigation Weekly August 3, 2018

Litigation Weekly Aug 3 FOTWS v. Kehr The district court upheld the Beaver Creek Landscape Restoration Project on the Flathead National Forest in Montana against NEPA, NFMA consistency and ESA (Canada lynx) claims.  (D. Mont.) McGuinness v USFS The Fourth Circuit upheld a decision by the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina to authorize development … Read more

Participating, Objecting and Litigating: AWR and Some Montana Projects

A reader sent me this series of questions about AWR’s objections to some Montana projects: It would appear the Alliance for the Wild Rockies isn’t participating in the formal public comment piece of the proceedings. The attached are objection responses for the East Reservoir (Kootenai) and Trapper Creek (BDNF) projects in Montana. Dated 7/17/14 and … Read more

Collaboration on plans vs projects

Some observations about the recently revised Kootenai forest plan. Robyn King, president of the stakeholders’ group, said her organization hasn’t taken a stand on the broader forest plan, although they did publicly support the East Reservoir Project that could result in several small-to-medium timber sales in Lincoln County this year. “As you can imagine, due … Read more

AWR Plans to File Lawsuit over Montana Timber Sale

From the Western News here: A potential legal challenge could result in the delay or termination of timber sales in the Kootenai National Forest that were scheduled to begin this winter as part of the East Reservoir Project. Attorney Timothy Bechtold, representing the Alliance for The Wild Rockies, sent a notice of intent to file … Read more