Kent Connaughton retired from his position as Pacific Northwest Regional Forester in June of last year. Nora Rasure was promoted from her PNW deputy RF position to the Intermountain’s top dog seat two years ago. Former deputy RF Muareen Hyzer is something called “Threat Characterization & Management Program Manager” in the Wenatchee Forest Sciences Lab. PNW Chief of Staff Lisa Freedman has retired, too.
But you wouldn’t know any of the above from reading the Pacific Northwest Region Staff Directory, available on-line to the inquiring public. “Out-of-date” is a generous characterization. The directory includes people who now work for other agencies, in other regions, other jobs, are retired, or even deceased.
Meanwhile, if you want to know who is the current R6 regional forester, good luck with that. You won’t find his name listed on R6’s website. I’m not just picking on Region 6. The same holds true for the rest of the Forest Service’s organizational directory.
Maybe some of that $10 million that was to be spent on “re-branding” might be better used bringing its public directory up-to-date. As an organization, few things say “I don’t care” more than a worthless phone book.
I retired as Forest Supervisor of the Bridger-Teton in1994. I try to visit Forest offices and personal as often as possible and find significant change in the agency, and not all positive. My visits have revealed a serious reduction in moral with field staff and a somewhat aloof attitude on the part of leadership. I recently publish a book, which suggests the need for change in the science of forestry, and tried to alert the Washington office of my efforts. I found it impossible to get any response from Chief and staff. Retirees were always considered a valuable resource however, that seems to have changed. Even people that I know well seem to have adapted to the new approach. Makes one wonder what the public thinks of the Agency today.
Very few of the websites for each National Forest provide the name of the Forest Supervisor or District Rangers. I’ve always thought that was odd.