Update, A Few TSW Notes, A PSA and a Volunteer Opportunity

FS Program Community Navigators- More Info Coming

One of our Anonymous folks asked about a program called “Community Navigators” that showed up on the FS LinkedIn site. I asked the WO Media Office and they said the announcement is coming out soon with more information. Hopefully someone will let me know and I can post about it, as I don’t read the FS LinkedIn feed.

Management Note:  What I think are AI Comments Thwarted; if They’re Yours, Let Me Know

We have had some comments from various entities which strike me as possible AI comments, to what end I have no idea.  They seem impersonal,  add no particular value and have an air of knowing about things that are, in reality, contested.   So,  I make a judgment call and delete them.  If I am mistaken about your comment, please contact me directly via email (see donate widget).  Then I will use Real Human Intelligence to change my personal algorithm.

TSW (at least this contributor) Has Lost Access to E&E News for Now

Sadly, we’ve had a breakdown on E&E News, my favorite outlet.  The generous ENGO who was forwarding stuff had their subscription raised to $1700 a year, which they can’t afford.  I am exploring alternative means of access (volunteering with the FS or other entities who have subscriptions?).  Meanwhile if you do get it and see something  interesting, please forward the link, so at least we know that there is an interesting story out there even if we can’t access it.

Public Service Announcement on Accessing Paywalled News

Since that happened, I’ve learned some things about accessing paywalled news that you might find helpful

    1. Local libraries often have digital access to newspapers.  Some including the NY Times.  Worth a check if you run into a paywall.  I now have cards at three county library systems, all of which have different ways of accessing different news outlets digitally.  And the most recent was just by walking in to a library (in a county I don’t live) and asking for a card.
    2. You can use archive.is where many news stories that are paywalled are saved.

Volunteer Wanted to Dig Into Project on Chequamegon-Nicolet

I received an email (as a media person) from the Environmental Law and Policy Center about violations of the timber sale contract on the Sunfish Timber Sale in the Fourmile Project Area on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin. It’s a Good Neighbor Authority (misspelled God Neighbor Sales  in the powerpoint) sale and it looks like thinning from the powerpoint. They are concerned about contractors working over-snow as in the contract, and claim that some cut trees violate the “proposed” old growth definition by diameter, and maybe the intent of the MOG executive order?

Here’s a link to the powerpoint. Anyone who lives in the area and wants to investigate further, please let me know.

2 thoughts on “Update, A Few TSW Notes, A PSA and a Volunteer Opportunity”

  1. Yes, Sharon, a few of those caught my eye, also. If a suspected comment includes a website URL, we (comment approvers) may have to ‘judge’ if that website address is 1) legitimate and un-encrypted, and 2) That the comment isn’t there, merely to spread their reach and ‘clicks’.

    I also saw another one, with a childish username, which I didn’t approve. The comment seemed real, but I didn’t want to approve it with that username. Sometimes I don’t approve a comment, but I don’t delete it, either. I do trash the obvious junk comments, though.


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