SAF Convention- Sharon’s Blog Break

13-Website-Banner1I will be off the blog until October 30th for the SAF Convention and schoolwork. Bob Zybach has generously volunteered to keep things going, in terms of posts you might want to send for publishing as well as mediating any disputes. His email is It seems like people may be crankier lately (photoperiod?) and it’s a good time to remember that points can be made “in a caring way.”

I’d like to meet any readers who are at Convention so please introduce yourselves! Also if you belong to SAF and haven’t voted, don’t forget to vote, preferably for me.

Some NCFP Blog History and Philosophy

Folks asked for my opinion on these topics, and we have new folks (which is good!) since we started in 2009, so here goes:

This blog was specifically started to have discussions between academics and practitioners. Therefore, any claims can be brought here, peer-reviewed or not. Part of the point is to look at the forest as perceived by people who work and live there, people who belong to interest groups, academics, lawyers, scientists of all stripes, and see how their pieces of information fit together, or don’t.

When someone posts something, I like to hear what they think. So when I post something, you will usually find a note from me..sometimes as simple as “I find this interesting because” but not always. I LIKE people to share why they posted it; what they agree or disagree with, because I am interested in the people on this blog and what they think. But it’s not required.

Now when I post something, I am not going to defend the claims made, unless a) I agree with them and b) I have the time and inclination..otherwise, the authors speak for themselves. The authors are welcome to contribute to the blog and defend their positions. A great many people I speak with don’t want to do that, though,… one of the reasons being..

Lack of civility found on many blogs and sometimes on this blog. While Bob says we have more readers when people are like that, my feeling is that we are/should be better than that. And if we are few and civil, that would be better than having more readers and being rude and disrespectful. Look at the U.S. Congress, for example, how’s jerkiness workin’ for them (and us)?

In the past, I’ve noticed that sometimes people get into uncivil disagreements. When that happens, there is no way I can drop everything else I do, and moderate it. So I have asked folks 1) not to do it, and 2) any other folks around who observe it to call people on it.

I told Steve Wilent this week that those discussions are like “fingernails on the blackboard of my soul.” Sometimes in the past, I have thought that I was being gender- insensitive to want to get rid of it, as maybe it’s a guy equivalent of puppies play-fighting. They get over it and go on about their business, just letting off steam, and perhaps I shouldn’t be so judgmental. But I’m neither going to read those comments nor moderate them.

Other reasons people who write papers don’t want to discuss it on blogs, including this one include 1) it can suck up a lot of time for 2) no professional or other rewards. I like to think of blogging as 21st Century Extension (in the research, extension, education model) but so far this idea has not caught on with anyone with funds. So here we are :).

Finally, sometimes whether folks reveal their real names becomes an issue. This started with people “outing” Larry, lo those many years ago. I personally want to hear more from current FS people so I want people to have fake names if they otherwise feel they wouldn’t participate. People have their own reasons, and as long as they bring something thoughtful to the table and are respectful, I am fine with it.

Do You Like This Theme?

I do, and am tired of trying new ones. If anyone dislikes it, as they say, speak now or forever hold your peace. I like the greens and how the background isn’t bright. But I’m willing to listen to other opinions, and I could change this theme to blue if people prefer…

I am working on getting back to the titles of posts as references in the comments, but that seems to require learning CSS, which might take me a while.

Theme Trial

I am going to be testing different themes.. the point is to be able to use Jetpack comments so we get replies indented..if you want this to work I think you need to go to the bottom of the comment you are replying to and click on “reply.”

I appreciate feedback on these themes.. and anyone not design-challenged like me is welcome to volunteer to fiddle with colors, etc. Let me know… terraveritas at gmail dot com.

Also feedback on other improvements that could be done would be helpful.. especially if you are interested in exploring how to make them happen.

Blog Design – Help with CSS?

Some of us would like replies to comments to be indented, as on the old blog. We can do that with Jetpack (which we have now).But there are two choices, according to Support:

1) add their comment form to our CSS for the blog
2) find a theme (the way the blog looks) that is compatible with the Jetpack approach.

Unfortunately, I am already beyond my capabilities in CSS trying to change colors. So if we have a volunteer to do #1 please speak up!

Otherwise, we shall have to change the way the blog looks to some extent by choosing another theme. There may be other benefits to doing that (because our theme is old and not supported) but right now it is more work.

The Scoop on Subscribing To This Blog

You’ll notice that there are 300 subscribers moved over, which were more subscribers than we had before. Right now I’m chalking that up to “strange things that happen.”

Here’s what the WordPress folks said about subscribing/following:

If you had email subscribers at your old site, they will continue to receive email notifications of your new posts, so there’s no change there.

However, for followers of your site, they will only see new post notifications in the Reader, unless they subscribe to receive email updates on your new site.

For additional information on how visitors can interact with content through, please see the following support documents:

Following Blogs

I think the bottom line is that if you want to receive emails and are not, you need to use the email subscription widget on the new blog site (in the right hand column).

If you that doesn’t work, let me know.

Welcome to New Host!

Blog away, and let me know if you think something is missing.


Note that there are many comments (50) I think, listed now.

Why does the first page not have a green background? I had to mess with the CSS by inserting the color I wanted randomly since I don’t really understand style sheets. This worked on the other pages, but not the first page. Any help would be appreciated.

Blog Transfer Tomorrow

Don’t post anything after noon MT tomorrow because tomorrow is NCFP Moving Day.

When moving is done, I’ll send you a message giving you the new blog address, and we can go about our business.

For convenience and clarity for Virtual Book Club, I started a new WordPress blog just for VBC. Here’s the link
Remember this one is not changing over, so you can post on it anytime. The idea is to separate the Book Club from the rest of the goings on on the blog.

Thanks again to Eli for volunteering to move the blog! Donations to help support the fee for hosting ($118 this year) would be appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to recommend plug-ins or widgets, please send in your recommendations.

Thanks, everyone, for your patience. This blog is run by all volunteers, with no funding or administration. The plus side of this “business model” is we don’t spend time having board meetings. filling out financial documents, and asking people for money (tasks many of us don’t like to do). The downside is that things happen as people have the time, skills and interest to do them- that’s why your patience is appreciated.

Blog: Early Warning- Shutdown And Transfer- Tuesday Sept 10

Eli Sagor has generously volunteered his time to transfer the blog to Bluehost, which will enable us to use numerous widgets that we can’t use while we are hosted by WordPress. I already set it up so we could get more than 15 comments; we can also choose between different ways of searching so that you will be able to search comments as well as posts. There are more cool widgets available than probably any of us would ever have time to check out.

Anyway, to facilitate this transfer, the blog will have to be down from 11 AM Sept 12 to when Eli finishes..which should be within a day.

Then we will start blogging at the new site. Hopefully without glitches, but any finger-crossing, positive vibrations, prayers to St. Isidore, patron saint of the internet, or other-worldly forms of support would be appreciated.

Blog Problems

For some reason the widgets (comments are a widget) are missing this morning (or actually further down among the posts if you scroll down). WordPress has support, but I am tied up for the next two days, so I hope to have it fixed by Monday. I apologize.