SECOND UPDATE — The FS planning blog is working now.
UPDATE — The FS’s planning rule blog appears to be back on-line. Peter Williams ([email protected]) is moderating it. Still no comments from anyone on the new rule.
Thursday, 2/10, saw the Forest Service unroll its proposed new forest planning rule. The rule’s unveiling was featured on the FS’s homepage. Media from coast-to-coast covered the event. And the public was invited to comment on the new rule, including on the planning rule blog.
Previous blog posts had received anywhere from several to several dozen comments, so I expected the rule’s release to stimulate some vigorous debate.
By Tuesday, 2/15, not a single comment had been posted on the FS’s blog. What’s up with that, I wondered? So I posted a comment (well, re-posted something cynical I had already placed here).
Now I know the FS moderates its blog, just as NCFP does. But by day’s end, nothing had appeared. So I emailed the blog moderator. Got the following response:
I will be out of the office starting 02/13/2011 and will not return until
I’m on detail to CEQ through mid August. If you have questions about the
planning rule please contact Megan Wertz ([email protected]), Linda
Parker ([email protected]) or Martha Twarkins ([email protected]).
We really do want your comments . . . we’re just not home to receive them.
Posted over in the environmental portion of a Democratic website.×275076
Notice the apathy, indifference and ignorance of the importance of this rule. The “denizens” aren’t afraid to chime in on other environmental topics, though. Generally, when it comes to forest ecology, these kinds of websites don’t like to talk about such things, often re-directing the topic or spouting the partyline rhetoric. I’m sure similar things can be found on rightwing sites, as well.
It sures seems like the government only envisions “minor changes” for these rules. If it does quickly get revised and pushed forward with the “flexibilty and discretion” intact, I would expect the lawyers to start “booting up”. I would be very surprised if we don’t see a “ransom note”, even before the comment period ends. I’ll let you all know when I see one….heh heh.