Let’s take a little break from controversy, here. We all love trees and have seen our share of cool stuff, out there, in the “woods”. There are two options here. You can send me ( lhfotoware (at) hotmail.com) a picture of your “interesting” tree, and I will post it below. Feel free to add a caption, and I will add that, too. Or, you can describe your tree in the comments. There is nothing to win, except for our undying respect. Also, you can rate the trees, if you want to.
This ponderosa pine was along a trail, below the rim, in Bryce Canyon National Park. This tree swoops back to the ground before going vertical again. It actually has a decent, healthy crown. The bark has a true spiral, and I really don’t know why the tree ended up like this. I did see a similar tree during my last trip to Bryce Canyon.
Thomas promptly sent me this lonely pine, standing proud and healthy.
This anonymous contribution of a cedar tree growing out of a very old stump (including a historical springboard notch) is quite interesting.
This urban Douglas-fir looks to be growing very well, with full sunlight. Thanks louploup.
Most of us know what “wolfy” trees are. They seem to use more energy in developing strong branches, rather than a straight and tall bole. I think we need to plant some of these trees into openings, where they can thrive, as future nest trees.
Thanks to Mike D. for submitting this exceptional image of larch crowns in the fall.
Now, here is an impressively-odd tree, sent in by Dr. Bob Z. That’s a burly set of trees, alright!
Thanks Larry. We need more positive stuff, like your tree.
John Nesbitt
Larry: Nice photos and commentary! I’m guessing the Bryce Canyon pine was a result of a lightning strike. I have seen similar (but vertical) corkscrew patterns in Douglas-fir in the Oregon Coast Range that I have been told by reliable sources (Butch Heimsoth and Rex Wakefield) were the result of “lightning strikes.” The photo I ran in an earlier post with Ben Stout and the B&B Complex shows how sheets of bark are blown off spruce trees in wildfires — and look just like plywood veneers when littered along the ground or floating in water.
I was hoping that people would supply photos or descriptions of odd and unusual individual trees. Here is a description of a tree I ran across.
I saw this giant old growth pine on the Shasta-Trinity NF, and directly adjacent was a 26″ dbh white fir that I wanted to mark, being it was a “ladder fuel” underneath the majestic pine. As I got closer to the pair of trees, I saw that a dead pine branch was going all the way through the white fir! The branch was almost 4 inches in diameter. I still wanted to cut the fir but, looking up, I saw several more pine branches doing the same thing. Since they were too far up to cut, I decided that it might be difficult for a faller to directionally fell. So, it didn’t get marked.
How do I add a photo to a comment?
I tried to do that, today, on another thread, and couldn’t figure it out. I think if you know the HTML command, you can do it.
Or, you can add the photo yourself, as you have the power to edit posts of others. Or, you can send the photo to me, via e-mail.
Here’s what I do.. I pretend to do a post (usually named “draft”)and upload the photo as I would if it were a post.Then I copy what is uploaded and paste into the comment. The pretending to be a post getsp WordPress to add the right
html stuff when you load it there.
That’s a picture of my grandson on his 16th birthday and his first day in California and the redwoods. To give you an idea as to the size of this burl, Aaron is nearly 6-feet tall in this picture and is standing about 2-feet off the ground.