Apparently the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Report was pulled from the USDA website, but not other USG websites.
Here’s the USDA website. With all the other stuff about the Commission but not the report. But the report is still there, but not the link to the other site, apparently. I found it at the US Fire Administration website.
Intentional? Mistake? Over-reaction to some request? Does anyone know?
New Admin.. if you are reading, please set up a place to receive info from the public on missing/broken links.
The report makes mention of climate change, that is why it was taken down.
So you think that any doc that has climate change in it has been removed? Like a global “find, delete link”? I don’t think so..
100% that is the direction. Any references to climate change are to be removed.
Just like the Agency terminated any contract that included environmental justice as an objective or requirement. Haven’t heard about any agreements but all the Keystone Agreements have DEI goals as objectives it seems…
Yes, it’s a clean sweep of anything that mentions DEI, climate change and other no-nos without much finessing.
methinks broken links are a feature, not a bug.
if you report alt links they are they will delete those too.
I do not know. While I did not agree with some things in the report, there was lots of work that went into its development. If it has been deleted, that is shameful. You cannot ignore wisdom just by having the position power to toss. Again, as a citizen of the great country, I am embarrassed for such behavior.
Very respectfully,
According to the Hotshot Wake Up ( “an email from the USDA came out ordering Forest Service employees to delete all references to climate change, including those that suggest it is causing more catastrophic wildfires.”
It is going to be interesting for things like NWFP amendment revision, which the DEIS included this need for change: “Strengthening the capacity of NWFP ecosystems to adapt to the ongoing effects of climate change.” The DEIS also includes a lot of analysis about climate change and fire. How do you walk all that back?
Well according to the Politico story, that’s not what the memo said. That’s why it makes sense to wait until the dust clears before getting excessively concerned.